المنتدى الرسمى لصوت الرملة بنها

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
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المنتدى الرسمى لصوت الرملة بنها

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
أخى الزائر... ... أختى الزائرة
أهلاً بك عضوًا جديدًا ... وضيفًا كريمًا
معرفتك تسرنا... وتواصلنا معك يسعدنا

المنتدى الرسمى لصوت الرملة بنها

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
المنتدى الرسمى لصوت الرملة بنها

منتدى صوت الرملة بنها قليوبية forum soutelramla

عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ رضي اللَّه عنْهُما أَنَّ رسُولَ اللَّه صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم كَان يقُولُ عِنْد الكرْبِ : « لا إِلَه إِلاَّ اللَّه العظِيمُ الحلِيمُ ، لا إِله إِلاَّ اللَّه رَبُّ العَرْشِ العظِيمِ ، لا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّه رَبُّ السمَواتِ ، وربُّ الأَرْض ، ورَبُّ العرشِ الكريمِ » متفقٌ عليه .
اللهم رحمتك أرجو فلا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين ِ وأصلح لي شأني كله لاإله إلا أنت الله ، الله ربي لاأشرك به شيئاً .رواه ابن ماجه .

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :" دعوة النون إذ دعا بها وهو في بطن الحوت :" لاإله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين لم يدع بها رجل مسلم في شئ قط إلا استجاب الله له ..صحيح الترمذي
موقع اخبارى مميز لطلاب قسم الاعلام ببنها ادخل ومش هاتندم

اقسام المنتدى

المواضيع الأخيرة

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ثانية  لغة انجليزية هذا ملخص للقصة يساعدك على إجابة معظم الأسئلة ان شاء الله  يذاكر قبل الامتحان بساعة    Empty2016-04-26, 17:16 من طرف heba1977

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» المسلسل البدوي البريئة
ثانية  لغة انجليزية هذا ملخص للقصة يساعدك على إجابة معظم الأسئلة ان شاء الله  يذاكر قبل الامتحان بساعة    Empty2016-03-13, 10:33 من طرف نعناعه

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ثانية  لغة انجليزية هذا ملخص للقصة يساعدك على إجابة معظم الأسئلة ان شاء الله  يذاكر قبل الامتحان بساعة    Empty2016-03-13, 10:32 من طرف نعناعه

اقسا م المنتدى

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المتواجدون الآن ؟

ككل هناك 7 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 7 زائر :: 3 عناكب الفهرسة في محركات البحث

لا أحد

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 315 بتاريخ 2012-06-09, 21:38


أعضاؤنا قدموا 11145 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 7231 موضوع

هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 11888 عُضو.

آخر عُضو مُسجل هو المصري فمرحباً به.


    ثانية لغة انجليزية هذا ملخص للقصة يساعدك على إجابة معظم الأسئلة ان شاء الله يذاكر قبل الامتحان بساعة

    مدير الادارة
    مدير الادارة

    عدد المساهمات : 2887
    نقاط : -2147483186
    السٌّمعَة : 65
    تاريخ التسجيل : 10/11/2010
    الموقع : http://www.tvquran.com/

    ثانية  لغة انجليزية هذا ملخص للقصة يساعدك على إجابة معظم الأسئلة ان شاء الله  يذاكر قبل الامتحان بساعة    Empty ثانية لغة انجليزية هذا ملخص للقصة يساعدك على إجابة معظم الأسئلة ان شاء الله يذاكر قبل الامتحان بساعة

    مُساهمة من طرف sla7 2010-11-16, 03:46

    [left]: هذا ملخص للقصة يساعدك على إجابة معظم الأسئلة ان شاء الله يذاكر قبل الامتحان بساعة
    1-Four robbers went to the desert at mid night to steal gold and treasures.
    2-They switched off the lights and engines because they did not want anyone to hear or see them. 3-They had modern equipment to see what behind the wall called GPR.
    4-It transmits radio waves and waves hit something and return to computer which changes waves into pictures.5-They found underground room but spiders killed. them
    6-The oldest man thought they would not die as there were not any deadly spiders in Egypt.7- As a pilot was going to transmitter to repair it he saw the cars and the four men.
    8-He thought they died of thirst he called the police from a new town called Hamadyya.
    9-The police brought spiders to the police station. The officer was about to die but he left box to tell his superior.
    10-The spider went to Ayman ’s house. It needs a cool, dark and quiet place to live.
    11-Ayman was a young man at university. His hobby is the internet. He used it in making friends and his studies at university. His problem is finding a job after university
    12-His friend told him to be flexible because any job is better than no job.
    13-The spider did not attack Najat because her mother called her so she moved her foot away.
    14-Ayman saw the spider in the garden when he was going to the shops.
    15-He was surprised of its speed and size .He was not afraid of it.
    16-He used the world Wide Web to find information about the spider. which is like a great library.17-Dr Shreen is an Egyptologist at Oxford university.
    18-She wrote a translation about black and yellow spiders which killed people in ancient Egypt. People decided to burn the town to kill spiders but the failed because the spiders found their way underground. So they left the town and gave up hope.
    19-Shreen advised Ayman to tell the police but he did not because people would laugh at him. She made sure the spider is real when a German Egyptologist sent her a name of medicine .She went Susan Bennet who was a zoologist at Oxford.
    20-Echinacea Negara is a plant used for bites of black and yellow spiders by ancient Egyptians.
    21-Professor Jones was a famous arachnologist he was interested in all arachnids especially the spider Ayman saw because it is very dangerous and he did not see anything like it before.
    22-He was angry because his trip to South America was cancelled.
    23-The spiders are useful to people as they eat flies, mosquitoes and insects.
    24-The spiders came to the world again because people disturbed them.
    25-Other spiders died as the climate changed and became hot.
    26-He decided to visit Egypt to discover new species of spiders.
    27-Ayman ’s family thought that half of story was true and another half was from his imagination.
    28-Uncle Walid was a successful businessman. He asked Ayman not to tell the police because all business would lose money and people would not sleep in hotels ,or eat at restaurants and would not buy processing food.
    29-Ayman wished he had not told anyone about spiders.
    30-Police knew about spiders when six archeologists died. so they were going to the desert to protect the site and prevent people from going there.
    31-Colonel Mikhail was the chief of the police order Captain Ahmed El Sherif to lead the fight. and drive Jones to the hotel to bring his equipment.
    32-The female spiders are more dangerous than males because they lay 2000 eggs and live longer .
    33-They wore protective clothing to keep out spiders and carried tanks of insecticides to kill spiders .They covered their faces with glass masks.
    34-To make a new antivenom scientists put small quantities of venom into animals and animals make antibodies to fight venom and scientist extract the antivenom from the blood of animals .It takes long years to find antivenom for this spider as it is unknown.
    35-Ahmed wanted to kill spiders because the y killed ten people and his job is to stop more deaths. but Jones objected to killing them as they are a new discovery.
    36-It is impossible to kill all spiders because police do not know all places underground.
    37-Police took the dead spiders to make a new antivenom. and did not allow any thing to leave without careful search.38-Police put barrier on the edge of the town to prevent any cars to enter or leave the town.39-People left the town as they were afraid of spiders so they left the town.40-The police attacked the spiders in the empty house so spiders began to attack.41-The female was trapped when the tank was on one of its leg so it cut its leg to free itself.
    42-Ayman was bitten when his suit was torn so he was carried to the hospital.
    43-Police looked for the body of the female to make sure it was dead.
    44-Wafa Sultan was a botanist so she was sent to Sinai to bring some Echinacea Negara but there was a storm so she had to come by cars .
    45-The plants work only for bites of males it do not work for the bites of females.
    46-There were many difficulties that faced the team in Sinai like the road ,the weather and the three wadis.
    47-They crossed the wadis but men were washed down in the Wadi but Wafaa was brave and drive alone to Hamdayya to save Ayman.
    48-Ayman was in an intensive care because his breathe normally.
    49-He became famous as he saved all the world from the spiders .His picture was on TV and newspapers .Professor rewarded him by giving him the camera and could learn at Oxford .He would not worry about getting a job as many employers want a man like Ayman.50-Ayman did not die because his body made antivenom after the first bite.
    3-أسئلة قصــــة هامـــــــــــــــــــــــــة ان شاء اللـــــــــــــــه
    1-Why did not Ayman tell his sister that the spider was behind her?
    2-Why did the ancient people decide to burn the town?
    3-The road was not the only problem? What was the other problem?
    4-Why was everybody surprised that Ayman did not die from the female?
    5-Why was Professor interested in the spider Ayman saw?
    6-Why were the females more dangerous than males?
    7-Show that the spiders multiply quickly.
    8-How did Wafaa fight her fear when she was driving through the storm?
    9-What sort of man was Malcolm Jones?
    10-Why did Ayman think the spider he saw was not killer?
    11-Why did captain Ahmed want to destroy all spiders in the desert.
    12-How did the four robbers meet their end?
    13-Why was not there antivenom for the spider in the novel.
    14-What did the police do with the dead spiders?
    15-Why did the female use its fangs against itself.
    16-How did Ayman catch the 7-legged spider?
    17-Why did not Ayman need to worry about getting a job?
    18-In pilot‘s opinion how did robbers die?
    19-Why did Dr Shreen advise Ayman to tell the police?
    20-Why did not Ayman die from the bites of female?
    21-What were the small spiders like in the empty house?
    22-Why were the spiders able to bite Ayman?
    23-Why did Ahmed want to destroy the spiders?
    24-What was robbers ’plan to steal gold and treasures?
    25-Why are the spiders useful to humans?
    1-If the spiders are unknown………………………………………………
    2-As Ayman got out the camera…………………………………………………
    3-The Echinacea Negara was………………………………………………….
    4-The ancient Egyptians burnt the town to………………………………..
    5-One antivenom does not help because……………………………………
    6-The spiders are so sensitive that…………………………………………
    7-The difficulties the team faced were…………………………………..
    8-The spider enclosed its eggs in silk sacs and then……………………………
    9-Lamia thought that if nobody went to the archaeological site, the spiders…
    10-The Echinacea Negara medicine delayed because…………………………..
    11-The spiders attacked men as soon as……………………………………..
    12-The police officers tried to kill the large spider by…………………….
    13-Ayman did not have time to read the second e-mail so………………
    14-Perhaps all the other spiders died when…………………………………….
    15-The robbers died from……………………………………………………..
    1“We’re running out of time…”
    2-“We might get sick but we won‘t die……”
    3-“You’d better get on the radio...”
    4-“I have not seen anything like it before...”
    5-“Don‘t worry we'll find it on database…”
    6-“We have a young man‘s life in our hands…”
    7-“Your adventure is finished thanks heaven...”
    8-“I think there are not any killer spiders in modern Egypt..”
    9-“Science must find an answer ……”
    10-“You don‘t want to worry people…”
    11-“Ayman did not have much time”
    12“We can only guess how many thousands of people might have died”
    كيف نحــــــــــــــل القطعتبن هذا مجرد راى و كل شيخ و لية طريقــــة و اللى تكسب بية حل بية
    1-إذا قال لك ما رأيك اكتب اى إجابة بأسلوب صح تأخذ الدرجة كاملة.
    2-إذا قال لك هات عنوان للقطعة لأتخف اكتب اى عنوان مناسب للقطعة تأخذ الدرجة.Give a suitable title
    3-هات معاني من القطعة لها نفس المعنى. Give meaning from the passage
    4-ماذا تشير الكلمة التي تنحتها خط.What does the underlined word refer to ?
    5-اذكر ثلاثة أشياء Mention
    6-هل تتفق مع الكاتب إذا Yes or No مع ذكر السبب تأخذ الدرجة
    7-إذا قال عبر عن الفكرة بكلمات من عندك اى جملة متعلقة بالقطعة تكون صح إن شاء الله
    2- في الترجمـــة افهم المعنى العام للقطعة و ليس ترجمة حرفية وإذا لم اعرف معنى كلمة خمنهـــا.
    مع تحيات الأستاذ/ Samir Fahmy 2010


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-09-20, 23:54